Share Your Thoughts

Please share your thoughts and ideas, whether it’s a topic for a column, an opinion, or a question. I want to hear from you. Send your comments directly to I can then either respond personally or use your suggestions in the development of future blog entries. Again, I will revisit and revise the process as I get more familiar with blogging. Thank you for reading my blog!


President’s Office Contact Information

The Pennsylvania State University
201 Old Main
University Park, PA 16802
TELEPHONE: 814-865-7611
FAX: 814-863-8583

Administrative office hours:

Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Media and photo requests for the President should be directed to the Department of News and Media Relations:

Department of News and Media Relations

The Pennsylvania State University
312 Old Main
University Park, PA 16802
TELEPHONE: 814-865-7517
FAX: 814-863-3428

This blog is no longer maintained.